An impromptu 420 rally was held on Saturday, 2010-01-16 due to the unseasonably warm weather.
According to Porc411 reports, about seven activists showed up—no signs or protesting, just people smoking and enjoying their freedom in the park. The Manchester PD showed up, too, and arrested two activists, Brian M. of Manchester, and another (“Big Mike”) who refuses to give his name to the police.
All of the activists refused to coöperate or answer any questions at the scene, and the police refused to give any information to any of the activists about why they were there, including letting anyone know what the actual charges for the arrests were.
Brian was sprung from jail several hours later on $500 cash bail. Big Mike is being held until his hearing on Tuesday, as this Monday is a holiday (ironically Martin Luther King, Jr. Civil Rights Day), and bureaucrats don’t work on holidays. It is most likely that he won’t be released until he gives his legal name to his jailers, so he could be in jail for some time.
Check the Free Keene forum thread and Mail to Jail for updates on the situation.