Rally every Saturday until Big Mike is free

Big Mike is still in jail, and still completely incommunicado with the outside world. The Manchester crew will continue to hold a protest and 420 rallies, every Saturday, in front of the Valley Street Jail, until they release him. From Renniks, who’s organizing most of the Manchester efforts at this point:—

I think gathering at the jail at 4:00 PM every Saturday is something we should do. I was going to start doing it on my own to begin with. Have a good puff, then a march. I say we bring it to the cops since they wanted to start messing with us.

I’m doing this every Saturday (most likely weather permitting of course, but we’ll see) until he is released. If people want to hold a simultaneous 420 at the jail, who am I to stop them. The activists who plan on doing this are putting themselves at a greater risk because of the proximity to state authoritarians. But who am I to argue? The more the merrier.

Also, Mike’s birthday (the big 36 I believe) is on Tuesday, 2010-03-30. If he is still caged at that point, I am planning on having a big birthday bash for Mike. I figure bring a portable BBQ, burgers, dogs, some cake, balloons, fuck—even some watermelons. It’ll be a blast.

Forum thread.

Even if the system continues to ignore us, these protests outside the jail have an amazing effect on prisoner morale. Each time we’ve been out there for Mike, circling the jail, protesting and yelling slogans, the entire jail erupts in prisoners rattling and banging on windows. Part of the purpose of imprisonment is to break people’s will by cutting them off from any outside sense of reality, and each time we hold a protest and get the entire jail in an uproar, we disrupt that scheme.

Let’s do this. Every Saturday until Mike is free.