Jim Johnson arrested for disorderly conduct at Nashua 4:20

Around 20:00 on 2010-04-16, Jim Johnson was arrested in Winchester on a warrant for disorderly conduct at one of the Nashua 4:20 rallies. They are holding him in the Cheshire County Jail, presumably pending an arraignment on Monday. That he was arrested late on Friday is probably no coincidence.

Apparently Lauren Canario was also on the warrant but she has not been arrested.

The jail can be contacted at +1.603.399.7794, and the police department that arrested him is State Police Troop C, who can be reached at +1.603.358.3333.

As of Saturday, Jim was being held in the “bubble” room for refusing to process completely. Currently he can see but is unable to speak to visitors. They have told him nothing about how long he will be there or why they are holding him.

UPDATE: As of 2010-04-19, Jim has been released from jail.

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